Listen to WTKA anywhere right now!




If you’re in or around the Ann Arbor broadcast area, simply turn your radio on to:

Sports Talk 1050am WTKA, The Ticket


Desktop and laptop
Stream Sports Talk 1050am WTKA, The Ticket at work or home from your computer on one of these web players:
Triton Player / TuneIn


Smart Phone and Tablet

Listen to Sports Talk 1050am WTKA, The Ticket on-the-go thru one of these popular streaming apps or thru our mobile app:

TuneIn / iOS Mobile App / Google Play Mobile App


Amazon Smart Speaker

First, you need to enable the Sports Talk 1050am WTKA, The Ticket skill:

Say: Alexa, enable the Sports Talk Ten Fifty, The Ticket skill

Once the Sports Talk 1050am WTKA, The Ticket skill has been enabled:

Say: Alexa, play Sports Talk Ten Fifty, The Ticket

Important: Make sure you say, “Ten-Fifty


Google Home

Just say: Hey Google, play Sports Talk Ten Fifty, The Ticket

Important: Make sure you say, “Ten-Fifty